LightMe Implementation

The partners have already discussed and agreed about the management structure and the necessary procedures for the successful implementation of the LightMe project. In line with the technological/marked/innovation objectives that LightMe has to achieve in this 48 months programme the work to be accomplished has been structured in 14 Work packages (Figure 3.1), each of which has been sub-divided into a number of tasks, which are in details listed in Figure 3.2 (Gant Chart). Each of the work packages will be led and managed by a project partner who is the expert in the relevant field. The whole development is targeting on demonstrating the technology in operational environment and supported by targeted research activities. The objectives are planned to be in complete alliance with the issues raised by the topic NMBP-01-2018 and will be implemented in a reasonable, scalable and cost-effective manner, justified by integrated production methods. The structuring of the WPs has a dual scope. On one hand to set up and optimize the operational procedures of the Ecosystem (WP2) and the necessary tools (WP3), starting from Pilot Lines and going to all supporting tools. On the other hand, to implement the upscaling of 8 selected test cases in the filed of lightweight materials (WP4-11) as well as of 10-15 additional test cases during the open call (WP12). Finally, clustering and training activities (WP13) will be undertaken together with extensive dissemination and communication activities, targeting in the awareness of various stakeholders and thus, the successful exploitation of the LightMe results and in the sustainability of the Ecosystem (WP14).

Appropriate synergies and collaboration are scheduled between the WPs. Feedback will be provided from the test cases WPs in order to continuously optimize the Ecosystem operations and tools. Due to the high total number of the WPs appropriate measurements have been taken in order to ensure the proper management and monitoring of the progress of the project, as in detailed described in paragraph 3.2.

The figure below depicts the interconnections between the work packages and tasks of the LightMe project.

Figure 3.2. provides the Gantt chart of the project. The project will have a duration of 48 months and is split in three phases. The first phase (M1-20) concerns the set up of the Ecosystem (structure, infrastructure and processes). The second stage (M21-48) concerns the implementation of the test cases, including the open call and the validation of the ecosystem through them. Finally, in parallel to the 2 phases, the third phase, related to the extroversion and exploitation activities will be implemented (M1-48).

Figure 3.2: Gantt chart of LightMe project